Chao Garden
Updates: Read up on older updates that have been done to the site!
5/13/02 - Kaos ^~^
Hey eveyone, Kaos here. I noticed that I'm not on the staff board, I fixed
that today. I was planing on making sonic music videos for this site as
soon as I get my new computer. My computer's been running outta space
so I can't download anything. :( Well.. I did say that I would add some
games to the site, but making a game takes a VERY long time. :p I'm also
going to add a sprite comic, so stay tuned. Thats all, cya.
everyone! Sorry I haven't been updating (seems like forever O.o;;;) but
don't be thinking I'm lazy. This site only has 0.2mb left and I'm looking
for a new server. I'm also making a new layout a long with a HUGE update
to the Chao info. I never really thought I would have so many visitors
to my site, not to mention so many people want to work for it. ^.^ I'm
really honoured by this since I first made this site mostly as a reference
for my Chao and new things that I would find out during the game. But
now look, I have like over 5000 visitors and new people (even the veterans
from the Sonic Adventure 2 BBS) every day. Also expect the new site which
will have more pictures, better layout, and more info. Just dont forget
that Im really slow lol ^.^;;;
- Chaos Chao
Well hi again! Me and Tikal have made a Tikal's Chao Garden Fanclub! Now
let's really get the part started! Also, I've added one of the many Really
Rare Chao! I added a download >^_^< Oh wait make that TWO downloads!!
And I also made a Sprite Comics Section!
05/03/02 - Chaos Chao
Hi yall! New member here, names Chaos Chao! Anyway I'd like to thank Tikal
for letting me be a staff member and well I dunno...I add stuff! So, I
added the Really Rare Chao section and plan to do more. Well I'll see
you later! Oh and if you need anything you can email me at lil_hedgie@hotmail.com.
I also use MSN Messenger! Bye guys!
Hey, whats up? New member here, the names Kaos. ^_^ I'm going to be a
host! Anyway, I like creating games so i'm going to put up some games
on this site for you fans to play. If you want to contact me, send your
email to Michael@kaosproductions.zzn.com or Michaeldhollis@hotmail.com
ok? Chow!
I added the games section, be sure to check it out. I haven't loaded the
rest of the roms, I might do that tommorow or so. Games by the worderfull
me will be up soon also! (O>^~^<O)
Today Is a great day. I new staff member has been choosen do to his outstanding
abilities. AngeloSheltie@hotmail.com is Angelo. Angelo will be helping
with Tikal's Chao Garden. Please send us you fan art.
This is kinda big news but here at Tikals Chao Garden me and Tikal are
starting a new Fanart section it will be up when we start getting some
fanart so send your pictures of Sonic, Tails, and the whole team and lots
of pictures of thouse cute lil chao everyone loves!So send you fan art
to Phc929@hotmail.com and tikal at Chaogoddess@hotmail.com send em here!
Woah! Talk about being absentminded. I fotgot to put the Sonic Advance
Chao section up. Oh yeah I got a new link up so I like you to go check
it out.
What's up everyone! As you can see I am doing a lot of work on the site
and I am still not done. I have a new section on the GBA's Sonic Advance
and am going to add more to the section =^_^= I have a new look to the
BBS also. This is a big update to the site and I will have everything
up next week. I have some new links too so go check em' out!
Hey, whats up, I am now and official co-creator of Tikals Chao Garden.
if you need to ask me, tell me, or anything else my email is SillyGosling104@hotmail.com
I also use MSN instant messanger, ill see you guyz later!
On 9-11-01 a very big tragedy struck near my home infact a couple citys
away. The world Trade Center fell on the act of a Terrorest attack in
many contrys in America be crashing hijacked planes into famoise world
wide attractions. President Bush says that he will punish thouse responsibel
for these actions he says there will be a war aginst terrorisum. I bow
my head and pray for all that had died.
Today, tragedy struck the world as the twin towers of New York were hit
by huge passenger planes and collapsed. My sincere condolensces to all
those involved, hurt or killed in this blatent act of murder. Lets just
all prey that this horrific incident does not happen again.
Well I have school tomoro :( so my summer is over! Me and Tikal have added
some pix to chao advanced of some of the jewel chao and thats all the
updates we have at this time but we are working on getting the chao downloads
up and the chao contest back up and running we will have this for you
Well i can see we all like the new Chao BBS! Tikal is still on vacation
:( but will be balk soon. Iam adding to Chao Evolution Advance we will
have more on the Jewel chao soon.
Well...Tikal just left for vacation and will be gone for a week or two
and im trying to get the Chao downloads up and running maybe when Tikal
gets balk we will have it up for you. Oh and go take a look at Tikals
new Chao BBS!
Well I have some bad news, the contest has to be close temporarily because
Tikals Dreamcast blow up! But it will be back up soon and u will be able
to win thouse lovely chao again.
- I now have a contest going on! There is a great prize to be won so what
are you waiting for! To everyone I wish you good luck.
- I have been to lazy to wright a update but if you have noticed I have
been updating the site. I now have the pages Chao In VMU done and Chao
Kindergarden. I have also added a new link and Contacts for PSO.
- I am now apart of the Sonic Top 50. Vote for this page, I would really
appreciate it!
- I finally got the kindergarden and chao in VMU pages up. I also added
pictures of the chao in the evolution pages and pictures of items in the
items page.
- Sadly to say my downloads don't work. I'm trying but it would be easy
if I knew what I was doing LOL!
- Well I got the downloads up! I don't know if they are working or not,
if they aren't please mail me and let me know.
- I like to thank Notion for the wonderful logo for my page. As of now
I need someone to help with updating the site and downloads. If you would
like to work on my site, I would be very grateful.
- My chao site is now up!! All pages are almost finished except for three.
The downloads I may need help with but for now just enjoy the site.