first thing you will need is a chao egg. You find these in the chao garden
in chao world. Go to the egg you wish to hatch and wait for the action
window to pop up. Hold the B botton and shake the egg for five seconds.
Put the egg down and wait, the egg will hatch and you'll have a baby chao.
Now your ready to start!
There are three types
of baby chao - neutral, hero, and dark. You have a baby neutral chao to
begin with but by petting your chao with a hero character will make it
a baby hero chao. By petting it with a dark character you will make a
dark baby chao (note that you will need a hero chao and a dark chao to
open up the other gardens).
Chao Do -
1. Make sure that your chao isn't starved to death but don't over feed
him either.
2. Pet or hold your chao when you come to the garden. Your chao may get
lonely and needs some comfort.
3. If your chao keeps tripping pick him up.
4. Bring other chao to the garden. Chao like to make friends.
Chao Don't -
1. Never jump, spin, punch, kick, or wack your chao! If you accidentally
do so, then make sure to feed and pet chao. If not, you've got one angry
2. If you're chao is struggling in water, don't leave him.
3. You should never leave your chao alone in the VMU for to long. Chao
may have an accident like trip or fall asleep.
you follow these rules, your chao will live long and happy lives. I wish
all ned Chao breeders good luck on your new Chao!
Here's a Chao-to-English
dictionary. This will help everyone understand what you chao is
is happy with you. You're treating it well.
bad sign. Chao is upset with you.
chao is indecisive.
is excited. He has an idea.
is sleeping. Don't wake him up!